FoundationEnvironmentManager Business Services

The Foundation Environment web service (JP000000) manages the processing of the these web service operations:

  • getUserDefinedCode (J0000030)

    You use the getUserDefinedCode web service operation to retrieve and review user defined codes from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

  • lookupBusinessUnits (J0000040)

    You use this operation to retrieve business unit values when searching for valid business units in the EnterpriseOne database.

  • getUDCDescription (J0000050)

    Use this method to retrieve sales order type description values from user defined code (UDC) table 00/DT.

  • lookupCurrencyCodes (J0000060)

    You use this operation to retrieve currency code values when searching for valid currency codes in the EnterpriseOne database.

  • setUserValues and getUserValues (J0000070)

    Use the setUserValues method to save the user-entered values in the mobile sales application. Use the getUserValues method to retrieve previously saved user-entered values.

  • getUserProfile (J0000080)

    Use this operation to retrieve the language preference, date separator and format, and other profile information from the EnterpriseOne database for the signed - on mobile applications user.

  • lookupUDC (J0000090)

    Use this operation to retrieve user defined code details for a specified code.

Before using this web service, you should be familiar with how user defined codes (UDCs) are used in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.