
The getCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert web service operation is a database query operation that enables consumers to query the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Plant and Equipment Management system to retrieve existing capital asset data. The getCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert operation invokes a database operation to retrieve capital asset information from the Condition-Based Alerts table (F1310) in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne based on the selection criteria specified in the value object.

The getCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert web service operation allows an open query.

Note: An open query of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database impacts system performance. It is strongly recommended that you set the Max Rows business service property to a value other than 0 (zero). If you leave this value set to 0, the system returns all matching records. Additionally, it is recommended that you specify selection criteria when you query the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database.

If the operation is successful, the system returns zero to many records to the consumer. You can specify the maximum number of records to return during a query using the Max Rows business service property.

If the operation fails, the system returns an error message to the consumer.

The getCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert web service operation queries the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne condition-based alert information in a real-time fashion. The web service operation, getCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert, is called by the source system. This web service operation consumes a published interface, GetCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert, which exposes the selection criteria for retrieving the condition-based alert information from the F1310 table in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. The fields in GetCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert are used to set the selection in the getCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert integration. The web service operation returns results in the ShowCapitalAssetConditionBasedAlert published interface.

Note: The system adjusts the date time stamp entered to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which the system determines using the time zone on your business service server, unless an offset is used. For example, if the business service server is GMT-7, entering 2007-01-18T00:00:00.000 results in an adjustment to this value of -7 hours, and the actual value that passes in to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne becomes 2007-01-17T17:00:00.000. An offset can be passed in with the original value so that these adjustments do not occur, such as 2007-01-18T00:00:00.000-7:00, which offsets by 7 hours from UTC, resulting in the date being passed into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne as 2007-01-18T00:00:00.000.