Required Fields and Values

You must provide values for the following fields when using the processEmployee web service:

  • Action Code

  • Address Number

    Required for change and delete actions.

  • Alpha Name

  • Social Security Number

    Required in Add mode for US and Canadian employees.

  • Rehire

    Required when rehiring a former employee.

  • Cost Center Home

  • Sex Male/Female

  • Minority EEO

    Values must exist in UDC 06/M.

  • RT Salary

    A value for either the salary or the hourly field must be provided, depending on the employee's pay class.

  • RT Hourly

    A value for either the salary or the hourly field must be provided, depending on the employee's pay class.

  • Date of Birth

    Required for Canada only.

  • Tax Area Work

  • Tax Area Residence

  • Tax File Number

    Required for Australia and New Zealand employee in Add mode.

You must pass the listed values for the following fields and options to the BSSV because these values are in drop-down combo boxes or radio buttons:

  • JIT Values field in the Additional Tax Overrides (USA) program (P0701732).

    You must pass the values as one of these numeric characters: 0, 1, -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

  • Basis of Employment options in the Australian Employee Tax Override program (P75A0005) require the following values:

    • Blank: Full Time

    • 3: Part Time

    • 4: Casual

  • Variation From Levy option in the Australian Employee Tax Override program (P75A0005) require the following values:

    • 1: 1.5%

    • 2: 1.25%

    • 3: 1%

    • 4: Exempt

  • Extra Emoluments Payment options in the New Zealand Employee Tax ID Number program (P75Z0002) require following values:

    • 1: No Override Selected

    • 2: 7.5% override selected

    • 3: 30% overrides selected

    • 4: 33% override selected