RTABOUT is a container event generated by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to notify third-party systems about changes to the address book record. RTABOUT is a container event for RTABHDR, RTABPHOUT, and RTABEAOUT.

Event Type

Event Description

Event Category

Event Aggregate

Product Code


Address Book Master



Container event for:

  • RTABHDR (D0100085A)

  • RTABPHOUT (D0100085B)

  • RTABEAOUT (D0100085C)


See the appropriate real-time events that are contained by this event for information about the event fields and conceptual approach.

These are the objects that can initiate the event and any single event contained by this event:

  • B0100087 - Who's Who MBF

  • B0100089 - Electronic Address

  • B0100090 - Phones

  • N0100041 - Address book MBF

  • P01111 – Contact Information


RTABOUT has some additional special setup requirements due to the logic in the real-time wrapper.

The processing options for version ZJDE0001 of the Address Book Master Real Time Event Wrapper Application program (P0100085) determine which phone and email records are sent. The purpose of these processing options is to enable filtering of the outbound event, RTABOUT.

The below list explains the processing options:

Configure Contact Information

Enter a code to specify how you want to send contact information. Values are:

0, blank, or null: The system sends only primary contact information for an address book record as single fields. It sends the first telephone number, fax number, and email address of an address book record that matches the type specified in the other processing options.

1: Regardless of the types specified in the other processing options, the system sends the complete collection of contact information, including primary contact information, for an address book record in one group.

2: The system sends the primary contact information in single fields and the complete collection of contact information in a group. This value is a combination of values 0 and 1.

Phone Number Type

Indicate either the location or use of a telephone number. Values are defined in the user-defined code (UDC) table 01/PH (Phone Type).

Fax Number Type

Specify the phone type for the telephone number to use for faxes. Values are defined in the UDC table 01/PH (Phone Type).

Electronic Address Type

Specify the electronic address type that the system uses for an individual or an entity for internet communications. Values are defined in the UDC table 01/ET (Electronic Address Type).