RTPOOUT is a container event used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system that notifies third-party systems when purchase order information changes.

Event Type

Event Description

Event Category

Event Aggregate

Product Code


Purchase Order



Contains events for:

  • RTPOHDR (D4302470A)

  • RTPODTL (D4302470B)

  • RTPODIST (D4302470C)

RTPODIST is included in RTPOOUT if the multiple accounts flag is selected for the order line.


Conceptual Approach

A new purchase order creates a new record in the Purchase Order Header table (F4301) and the Purchase Order Detail table (F4311). It also creates a new record in Purchase Order Multiple Accounts (F4316) file multiple account records are associated with the purchase order. A real-time notification is triggered whenever there is an insert in these tables. Also, this event is triggered whenever an exiting purchase order is updated and there is an update to the Purchase Order Header and Purchase Order Detail tables.

Objects that Can Initiate the Event

These objects can initiate the RTPOOUT event and the single events contained within the event:

  • N4301780 - Update Promised Date – Workflow

    B4300330 - Update PO Next Status

    B4302153 - Purchase Order Real Time Wrapper Function 3

    B4302160 - Purchase Order External Publish Function

    B4302590 - Update Order Status F4301 OSTS

    B4305420 - Purchase Order Reject Approve

    XT4311Z1 - Purchase Order Entry

    P43081 - Purchase Order Approval

    P4310 - Purchase Orders

    P4312 - PO Receipts

    P43360 - Release Open Quotations

    R00993 - Create F43199 commitment Audit Trail

    R11843 - Load Domestic currency codes - Procurement

    R4317 - Encumbrance Rollover

    R43960 - Close Text Lines

    N4002540 - F4211 Direct Ship Order Integrity

    B4300230 - Update PO Order Total

    B4300360 - Update Purchase Blanket Order

    B4301230 - F4311 Update Original PO Line

    B4302152 - Purchase Order Real Time Wrapper Function 2

    B4302154 - Purchase Order Real Time Wrapper Function 4

    B4302155 - Purchase Order Real Time Wrapper Function 5

    B4302640 - Receipts Blanket Order Processing

    XT4312Z1 - Purchase Order Receipts

    P4312 - PO Receipts

Special Setup

To activate the RTPOOUT event, these three important areas are required for data setup:

  • The Suppliers Correspondence Method (F0401.CRMD, sometimes called Send Method) must be set to 5.

  • The Document Type of the purchase order must be set up to publish externally. Use the P40040 application to inquire on a document type and select the publish externally check box on the Purchasing tab of the Document Type Revisions form.

  • Currently all procurement integrations that need processing options use the processing options for P43XPI-ZJDE0001. This event uses the first two processing options on the Order Statuses tab. With these options you can set the range of allowed order statuses that can be published externally. Order Status 999 is valid outside of the dictated range. The canonical has a grouping titled Miscellaneous, which is inside the Header grouping. Within this grouping there is an element named ExternalEvent. This element is set to 1 if these three conditions are met when the purchase order is being processed.