Sales Order Batch Import Programs

You use batch import programs to import data into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database from an external software system.

This table lists and describes the available batch import programs that are associated with the Sales Order business object:

Program and Program Type


Additional Information

Recurring Orders Edited Creation Report (R40211Z)

If you use taxed prices and access the Recurring Orders Edited Creation report (R40211Z), the system edits the information from the Recurring Order Header Tax (F4001ZTX) and Recurring Order Detail Tax (F4011ZTX) tables and updates the records in the Sales Order Header Tax (F4201TX) and Sales Order Detail Tax (F4211TX) tables.

See this topic:

EDI Inbound Purchase Order Edit/Create (R47011)

EDI Inbound Purchase Order Change (R47131)

These are EDI programs.

The system supports creating and updating sales orders through electronic data interchange (EDI) using these programs.

See this topic:

EDI Request for Quote Edit/Create program (R47091)

This is an EDI program.

The EDI Request for Quote Edit/Create program (R47091) access report features that are specific to each EDI Standard document supported by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. The edit/update programs use the data in the EDI inbound interface tables to update applicable application tables. For example, when you receive a purchase order from a trading partner, the Inbound Edit/Update program for customer orders updates the sales application and creates a sales order, based on the data that it received.

See this topic: