Service Order Tab

1. Order Type

Use this processing option to specify the default document type that the system uses when you enter a work order. This code also indicates the origin of the transaction. Enter a value from UDC 00/DT.

2. Service Type

Use this processing option to specify the default order type that the system uses when you enter a work order. The order type indicates the type classification of a work order or engineering change order. You can use work order type as a selection criterion for work order approvals. Enter a value from UDC 00/TY.

3. Priority

Use this processing option to specify the default work order priority that the system uses when you enter a work order. This code indicates the priority of a work order or engineering change order in relation to other orders. Enter a value from UDC 00/PR.

4. Primary Service Provider

Use this processing option to specify the Address Book number of a manager or a planner that the system uses as a default when you enter a work order.

5. Secondary Service Provider

Use this processing option to specify the address book number of the supervisor that the system uses as a default when you enter a work order.

6. Primary Technician

Use this processing option to specify the address book number of a person that the system assigns to do the work when you enter a work order.

7. Secondary Technician

Use this processing option to specify the address book number of an inspector that the system uses as a default when you enter a work order.

8. Type Bill of Material

Use this processing option to specify the default parts list that the system uses when you enter a work order. The parts list is a user defined code that designates the type of bill of material. Enter a value from UDC 40/TB.

9. Type Routing

Use this processing option to specify the labor detail that the system uses as a default when you enter a work order. The system retrieves the labor detail for the work order header and uses it to identify the requested service. Enter a value from UDC 40/TR.

10. Entitlement Checking

Use this processing option to determine whether the system performs entitlement checking and the preferred method. Values are:

Blank: Bypass entitlement checking.

1: Check entitlements using the Entitlement Dates table (F1791).

2: Check entitlements without using the Entitlement Dates table.

11. Category Code 01 through 20. Category Code 10

Use these processing options to specify user-defined default information that the system uses when creating a work order.

21. Business Unit

Use this processing option to specify the default business unit, which the system uses when it creates a new service order. You must specify a business unit that exists in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

22. Branch

Use this processing option to specify the default branch that the system uses when it creates a service order. You must specify a branch that exists in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

23. Default Service Provider

Use this processing option to specify the default values for manager and supervisor addresses on the work order. Values are:

Blank: The system does not supply defaults for the manager and supervisor addresses.

1: The system uses defaults for the manager and supervisor addresses based on this hierarchy:

  • First: The system uses the values for the manager and supervisor from processing options.

  • Second: The system uses the manager value from the SWM Address Book extension record for the customer.

  • Third: The system uses the manager value from the equipment record.

  • Fourth: The system uses the values for the manager and supervisor from the Work Order Default Coding File table (F48001), based on category codes 1, 2, and 3 from the work order.

Note: The system uses the Assigned To address value from processing options first, and information from the equipment record second.