setUserValues and getUserValues

The setUserVaues web service operation is an inbound transaction operation that enables consumers to save the user-entered values from the mobile sales application in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database. This operation retrieves these items, if the insert or update database operation is successful:

  • numRowsInserted

  • numRowsUpdated

If this operation is successful, one of the above fields will contain a value of 1.

The getUserValues web service operation is a database query operation that enables consumers to retrieve saved user-entered values in the mobile sales application from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database. This operation retrieves these items for each mobile user-entered value record, if the data exists in the database:

  • addressNumberSoldTo

  • addressNumberShipTo

  • documentOrderInvoiceE

  • itemFreeForm

  • documentTypesList

  • searchOnDate

  • todayMinus

  • todayPlus

  • salesBranchPlantsList

  • availabilityBranchPlantsList

  • priceBranchPlantsList

  • availabilityItemFreeForm

  • priceItemFreeForm

  • unitOfMeasure

  • reference1

  • omitZeroQuantities