Using the Oracle Technical Catalog

You can use the Oracle Technical Catalog to access detailed technical information about available business interface components. The components in the catalog are organized by business object.

For each business object included in the technical catalog, you can access a functionality matrix. This matrix lists all of the available components of a business object, and provides details about the functionality of each component. This graphic illustrates the information included in a functionality matrix document:

Example Functionality Matrix

The functionality matrix lists all business services, real-time events, and batch import and export programs available for the business object. It also includes details about what functions and information each service, event, or program includes.

In addition to the functionality matrix, there is additional information available for each component. This table describes the information that is available for each type of business interface component:

Object Type

Available Information

Business Services

For each business service, you can access a list of methods associated with the business service. For each associated method, you can view:

  • Flow diagrams

  • Method descriptions

  • Input details

  • Output details

Real-Time Events

For each real-time event, you can access flow diagrams and data structure details, which include the following information about each field in the data structure:

  • Item Alias

  • Item Name

  • Item Type

  • Item Size

Batch Import and Export Programs

For each batch import and export program, the technical catalog provides a list of the tables used by each program, and the columns contained in each of those tables.

You can access the Oracle Technical Catalog at: