Adding Activities to Action Plans

Access the Add Activity Template form.


Specify the name of the activity. Enter up to 37 alphanumeric characters to describe the activity. This description appears when you generate an actual activity from the activity template by linking the action plan.

Activity Type

Enter the action type. The system uses this activity type when you generate an actual activity from the activity template by linking the action plan.

Assigned To

Enter the address book number of the entity to which the activity is assigned. When a user links the action plan, the system assigns the activity to the user who is linking the action plan and also to the address book number that you specify in this field. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the activity only to the user who is linking the action plan.

Priority Level

Enter a priority level for the activity.

Days to Complete

Enter the number of days that determine the start date of the activity. If you enter 0, the activity starts on the day that a user links the action plan.

Start Time and End Time

Enter a start time and end time for the event. These fields are not required. If you leave the Start Time field blank, at the time of linking the action plan the system uses the starting time of the user's calendar as the default starting time for the event.

Note: If the action is a task, the system does not display these fields.

Enter additional instructions for the activity.