Country Code Fields

These fields are associated with the country code. If you enter values in these fields, the values appear on all address book records that use that particular country code.

Attention Abbreviation

Enter the abbreviation for the word Attention that the system will print on mailing labels.

Attention Name Placement

Specifies where the attention name line appears in the formatted mailing address. Values are:

Blank or 0: Insert attention line after Address Line 1.

1: Insert attention line after Address Line 2.

2: Insert attention line after the last nonblank address line.

3: Insert attention line on the first line before the street address.

Title before attention name

Select this option for the title to be placed before the Who's Who attention name.

Standard Salutation

Enter the personal salutation to be used in an address. The value in this field is associated with the value in the Address Format ID field.

If you set up a standard salutation, the salutation appears on every address record that uses that address format ID.

Standard Salutation Placement

Specifies the placement of the salutation in relation to the name. Values are:

Blank or 0: The standard salutation that prints before the name.

1: The standard salutation that prints after the name.

2: The standard salutation placement is one of these locations:

At the end of the last nonblank address line if no attention name exists.

At the end of the attention name if an attention name exists.

Postal Code Sign

Enter the prefix that precedes the postal code. This prefix is required by some countries. You can enter up to four alphanumeric characters. When you enter the prefix, include a separator, such as a blank space or a hyphen, after the prefix. The system prints the prefix and the separator before the postal code. For example, if you enter CH- for the prefix and 88023 for the postal code, the system prints CH-88023. If you leave this field blank, the system prints only the postal code.

Note: This field is required by the Japanese postal system and must appear on the first line of an address.
Print Country Code

Select this option to print the country code for the mailing address.