
1. Address Number

Specify an address book number if you want to update category codes for a specific address number.

2. Employee

Specify whether to update category code values for employees. Values are:

N: No

Y: Yes

3. Customer

Specify whether to update category code values for customers. Values are:

N: No

Y: Yes

4. Supplier

Specify whether to update category code values for suppliers, and for which type of suppliers to update category code values. Values are:

F: Foreign supplier

M: Miscellaneous, one-time supplier

N: No

Y: Yes

5. Enter 1 to create a report

Enter 1 if you want the system to print a report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not print a report.

6. Enter a '1' to update Cat Codes left blank with blanks

Enter 1 if you want the system to update blank category code fields with a blank value.