Default Country Format

When you set up country constants, you can include any of these items for an address format ID:

  • Attention line and location of the attention line.

  • Salutation and location of the salutation.

  • Postal code sign.

  • Country code.

Each country code that you set up can include a different combination of these items, even if they have the same format number. For example, you assign an address format ID of 08 to both Brazil and Mexico. You want Brazil address records to include an attention line. On the Set Up Country Constants form, you set up address format ID 08 to include attention line information such as attention abbreviation, attention name placement, and title location. When you print reports and labels for Brazilian addresses, the attention information appears. The attention information does not appear for any other country using format address ID 08 unless you specify attention information on the Set Up Country Constants form for that country.

When you set up country constants, set up one constant with a blank country code. Enter all other information for that country constant, including the address format ID number.

You can set up only one format for each country.

Important: When you change the address format ID for a specific country, all address book records that are associated with that country are affected. Only authorized personnel should be allowed to change country constants.