
1. Default Calendar Type

Use this processing option to specify the calendar type to display when you launch the Foundation Calendar application directly from the menu. For example, you might use a default value of PERSONAL. Therefore, when you launch the Foundation Calendar application directly from the menu, the system displays the personal calendar for the signed-in user. However, if you access the calendar from a CRM program, such as the Opportunity application, the system uses values that are set up in the CRM system to determine which calendar type to display. Values are stored in UDC 01/CY.

2. Default Activity Type for Adding Events

Use this processing option to specify the default activity type to use when you add events on the calendar. Typically, you enter the most common type of event that you create. For example, if your organization frequently schedules calls to customers, you might enter CALL in this processing option. You can override this value when you create your event if necessary. Values are stored in UDC 01/AC.

3. Default Activity Type for Adding Tasks

Use this processing option to specify the default activity type to use when you create tasks. Typically, you enter the most common type of task that you create. For example, if your organization uses the calendar functions to set reminders for items that they must complete, you might enter TODO in this processing option to specify a to-do task. You can override this value when you create your task if necessary. Values are stored in UDC 01/AC.