
Select the Details tab.


Enter a description for the activity. You can enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters. This is a required field.

Activity Type

Enter a type for the activity. You set up valid activity types in UDC 01/AC. This is a required field.

Start Date

Enter a start date for the activity.

End Date

Enter an end date for the activity. This is a required field.


Enter a location for the activity. For example, enter a conference room number for a meeting.

Start Time

Enter a start time and select A.M. or P.M. Entering time with 24-hour format is also recognized by the system. For example, entering 14:30 is accepted and, upon inquiry, the system reformats the value to 2:00 P.M. This field is not required for tasks or for all-day activities.

End Time

Enter an end time for the activity and select A.M. or P.M. The system recognizes the 24-hour time format. This field is not required for tasks or for all-day activities.

All Day

Select to indicate that the activity lasts the entire day.

Priority Level

Enter a priority level for the activity. The system stores priority levels, which are hard-coded, in UDC 01/PT. Values are:

1: Low priority

2: Medium priority

3: High priority

Address Book 1 or Customer

Enter the address book number of the entity for which the activity applies. If you leave the Enter Display Configuration for Activity Application processing option blank, the system displays Address Book 1 for the description for this field, and the address book number that you enter must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101). If you enter CRM in the processing option, the system displays Customer, and the number that you enter must exist in the Customer table (F90CA080).

Contact 1 or Customer Contact

Enter the who's who number of the contact for which the activity applies. You must enter a valid contact number for the address book number that is specified in the Address Book 1/Customer field. Who's who number zero is not considered a contact. If you leave the Enter Display Configuration for Activity Application processing option blank, the system displays Contact 1 for the description for this field. If you enter CRM in the processing option, the system displays Customer Contact.

Address Book 2 or Partner

Enter the address book number of an additional entity for which the activity applies. If you leave the Enter Display Configuration for Activity Application processing option blank, the system displays Address Book 2 for the description for this field. If you enter CRM in the processing option, the system displays Partner, and the number that you enter must exist in the Partner table (F90CA050).

Contact 2 or Partner Contact

Enter the who's who number of the contact for which the activity applies. The system does not recognize who's who record number 0 as a contact. You must enter a valid contact number for the address book number that is specified in the Address Book 2/Partner field. If you leave the Enter Display Configuration for Activity Application processing option blank, the system displays Contact 2 for the description for this field. If you enter CRM in the processing option, the system displays Partner Contact.


Select to indicate that you have completed the activity.


Select to send reminders for the activity. Then, complete the related fields to specify when the system should send the reminder.


Enter additional text to describe the activity. You can enter up to 1,999 characters.