Locating Addresses on the Map

On the left panel, you can find the following filters needed to locate an address, which can be collapsed or expanded as required.

  • Search Type
  • Address Book Category Codes
  • Business Unit
  • Alpha Name
  • Address Book Number
There are five tabs of filter criteria available for searching on the Address Book Map and each is represented by a unique colored pointer on the map.
Address Book Map

To locate an address, enter values for any combination of the available filter fields within a tab. After entering the respective values in one or more filter fields, click Search.

On clicking Search, the location pointer of the address will display on the map. Hovering over the location pointer will display the below-listed information as a card on the map.

  • Image (An image appears only if a default media object is associated with the Address Book record.)
  • Search type
  • Address number and description
  • Address Lines
  • Phone numbers and email

On clicking Clear All, location pointers and filters of the selected tab are cleared.

Address Book Map application retains the search results when a user navigates to any other application within EnterpriseOne.

Note: The application referenced to fetch data on the map is Address Book Map Detail Search (P01001).