Personal Data Security

You use the Address Book Constants program to restrict users from viewing personal data when reviewing address book records. After you perform the required setup tasks for Address Book data security, secured users cannot view information in the fields that you specify as secured when reviewing or updating address book records. For each secured field, the system populates the entire field with asterisks and disables the field for any updates.

The Address Book data privacy feature provides an additional level of security by not displaying the matching address book record when a user enters a valid value in the query by example (QBE) line for a secured field. For example, if a user enters numbers into the Phone Number field (and the Phone Number field is secured) in an attempt to locate a valid employee, the system does not display the matching records, even if the user happens to enter a valid number. This feature prevents users from being able to locate valid employee information.

In addition to storing Address Book privacy data in the Address book Data Permission List Definition table (F01138), the system stores privacy data in these tables:

  • Address Book - Who's Who (F0111)

  • Address Book - Phone Numbers (F0115)

  • Address by Date (F0116)

When Address Book data security is configured, a system administrator can enable an additional level of security that prevents secured private data from appearing in other applications and output, such as reports, Universal Batch Engine (UBE) results, Data Browser, and Universal Table Browser (UTB).

To set up the system for Address Book data privacy, you must set up:

  • The Activate Personal Data Security constant in the Address Book Constants.

  • Permission list definitions.

  • Permission list relationships.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide.