Understanding Address Book Updates

If you activate the Address by Effective Date constant in the Address Book Constants program (P0000), you must run the Effective Address Update program (R01840) periodically to ensure that the system is using the current date when you send correspondence, billing, payments, and other mailings. Address book records are not updated with new addresses unless you run this program.

When you run the R01840 program, the system updates the Address Book Master table (F0101) with the effective date for the current address in the Address by Date table (F0116). If you do not want to update all addresses, use data selection criteria to limit the addresses. This program does not include processing options.

You can set up a version to update addresses to a date other than the current date. You can use a date other than the current date to ensure that addresses are in effect for the day that you mail correspondence instead of the day that the addresses were generated.

Note: The R01840 program will automatically run the R730101 program. For clients using Vertex