Understanding Batch Records

After you transfer data from your external system to the appropriate batch input tables, you cannot add batch records to correct an existing batch. Instead, you must create a new batch and add the records. Typically, you should not need to do this. However, if you cannot revise a certain field on a batch record, you might delete the batch record and add a new record using one of the batch revision programs.

Batch records exist in one or more of these tables:

  • Address Book - Interoperability (F0101Z2).

  • Customer Master LOB - Batch (F03012Z1).

  • Supplier Master - Batch (F0401Z1).

  • Batch Who's Who Information (F0111Z1).

  • Batch - Related Person (F01112Z1).

  • Batch - Electronic Address (F01151Z1).

  • Phones-Interoperability (F0115Z1).

  • Batch - Alternate Addresses (F01161Z1).