Understanding Batches That Did Not Process Successfully

After you run the upload program, you review the batches to determine which ones processed successfully and which did not. You must revise batches that did not process successfully.

Batch records that did not process successfully reside in these batch input tables:

  • Address Book - Interoperability (F0101Z2).

  • Customer Master LOB - Batch (F03012Z1).

  • Supplier Master - Batch Upload (F0401Z1).

  • Batch Who's Who Information (F0111Z1).

  • Batch - Related Person (F01112Z1).

  • Phones-Interoperability (F0115Z1).

  • Batch - Electronic Address (F01151Z1).

  • Batch -Alternative Address (F01161Z1).

If a batch did not process successfully, use the appropriate form to correct the records and rerun the upload program. The system updates records in the appropriate batch input table.