Understanding the Address Book Self Service Program

The Address Book Self Service program (P01012SS) enables external users, such as customers and suppliers, to review and revise their own address book information online. Using the processing options for the Address Book Self Service program, you can allow external users either to update their information or to only review it.

The Address Book Self Service program includes four tabs: General Info, Contacts, Supplier Info, and Customer Info. The system displays the Supplier Info and Customer Info tabs if it finds a supplier master and customer master record for the address book record.

Using the Address Book Self Service program, external users can perform the following actions for the address book record for their company:

  • Update mailing address information.

  • Update effective address information (if you have activated the Address By Effective Date option in the Address Book constants).

  • Update user profile information.

  • Update company information, including:

    • Tax identification number

    • Tax exemption

    • Classification code values

    • Stock exchange

    • Stock ticker symbol

    • Number of employees

    • Year started

    • Growth rate

    • Annual revenue

    • DUNS number