Adding or Updating the Periods of Employment Details

Access the Work With Periods of Employment form.

Employed in Year

Enter the year for which you want to filter employees who were active at any time during the year.

Address Number

Enter the employee's Address Book number.

Date Started

Enter the date on which the employee actually reported to work. The Periods of Employment program allows multiple entries if the employee has multiple start dates.

Start Date Effective

A future date when all changes will take effect or the date when the changes went into effect. If you do not enter a date in this field, the system uses the current date as the effective date.

Start Date Change Reason

Enter a code that indicates the reason for change in start date, such as new hire or rehire.

This is a user-defined code (06/T). If you are reactivating an employee, the code must be numeric. The code for new hires is the default reason code.

Date Terminated

The date that the employee was terminated, if applicable.

Termination Date Effective

A future date when all changes will take effect or the date when the changes went into effect.

Termination Date Change Reason

A user-defined code (06/T) that indicates the reason an employee's record changed. For example, you can enter a reason such as eligible for rehire.

Days Employed

Displays the number of days employed.

This is informational only and not relevant to Form 1095-C processing.

Weeks Employed

Displays the number of weeks employed.

This is for information only and not relevant to Form 1095-C processing.

Months Employed

Displays the number of months employed.

This is for information only and not relevant to Form 1095-C processing.

Years Employed

Displays the number of years employed.

This is for information only and not relevant to Form 1095-C processing.