Understanding Base Data Setup for AIR Year-End Processing

Before you print the ACA Health Coverage Information Returns forms, you need to verify that the required information is available in the system and is set up correctly. To support the requirements for producing health coverage information returns, the system uses data from various tables throughout Human Capital Management, including Human Resources, Benefits, and Payroll.

If the data required to complete the returns is not available on your system, you have the option to add or import the data.

Before you begin setting up data for ACA information returns, verify the following:


If you are not using the required Payroll and Human Resources systems or a certain feature of the system that is required for ACA Information Returns, you might not have all of the data required to produce Information Returns. The system provides the ability to import data into certain ACA tables and the reporting workfiles. You can also add, edit, and delete information in the reporting workfiles.

See Affordable Care Act Information Returns Work Tables and Considerations for Importing Data document on My Oracle Support Document ID 2065515.1.