Approving and Rejecting Purchase Orders Using a Mobile Smartphone Application (M43083)

To reject or approve purchase orders, complete the following actions:

  1. To reject purchase orders, tap the Reject button. On the Confirm Rejection screen, you can enter a reason for rejecting the order in the Remark field. You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters. This field is optional. Tap the Reject button on the Confirm Rejection screen. Note that you can also tap the Cancel button if you do not want to reject the order.

  2. To approve purchase orders, tap the Approve button. On the Confirm Approval screen, you can enter an optional remark. Tap the Approve button on the Confirm Approval screen. Note that you can also click Cancel if you do not want to approve the order.

  3. After approving or rejecting an order, the system returns you to the Purchase Orders screen. Notice that the orders you approved or rejected are no longer displayed, and the counts have been updated to reflect the number of orders currently awaiting approval.

  4. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.