Category Codes

1. Category Code 01 through 10. Category Code 10

Use these options to specify which Customer Master Category Code to display in each of the ten available fields on the Category Codes tab of the tablet application. For example, if you want Category Code AC01 to display in the first field on that tab, enter AC01 in processing option 1. If you want Category Code AC04 to display in the second field on the tab, enter AC04 in processing option 2.

The system displays the description from the data dictionary as the display text for the field. For example, if the display text for AC01 is "Warehouse", field 1 on the Category Codes tab of the application will display as "Warehouse". You can display up to ten category codes on the tab. Values include:

  • Blank: Do not display a category code in this field.

  • AC01 - AC30: Display this category code in this field.

Note: If all category code processing options are left blank, the application does not display the Category Code tab.