Differences and Limitations: Scoreboard Search Results

Mobile applications are intended to be a simplified version of the applications that are available in the base software. In most cases, the mobile applications provide a subset of the functionality available in the base software.

When using the Scoreboard mobile applications, be aware that the search functionality in the mobile applications is hard-coded with search filters, as described in the following table. These hard-coded search filters might cause your search results to appear differently in the mobile applications compared to the base applications.

Incident Category

Hard-Coded Search Filters

All Incidents

Incidents that are marked as potential incidents or excludable incidents are not included in any of the incident counts displayed on the mobile applications.

This applies to all of the incident counts displayed in these mobile applications.


Only those incidents with the Injury/Illness checkbox selected on the Incident Master are included in the Injury/Illness counts.


Only those incidents with the Environmental Impact checkbox selected on the Incident Master are included in the Environment counts.


Only incidents that include damaged, company-owned equipment are included in the Equipment incident counts. Equipment incidents with damaged third-party equipment do not appear in the Equipment incident counts.

The system uses the attributes indicated on the equipment records associated with an incident to determine whether to include them in the count.

Additionally, any incident that meets the criteria counts as 1 toward the incident count regardless of how many equipment records exist for the incident.


Only those incidents with a value Y in the OSHA Recordable field are included in the Recordable incident count.

Additionally, in the base application a record exists for each person involved in a recordable incident. Each of these records has the same incident number. In the mobile applications, these records are summarized into one incident, by incident number, and appear only once in the Recordable Incident count.