
1. Work Phone Number Type

Use this processing option to specify the address book phone type for a work phone number. The system uses this processing option to display an employee's work phone number. If you leave this processing option blank, the mobile application will not display a work phone number.

2. Mobile Phone Number Type

Use this processing option to specify the address book phone type for a mobile phone number. The system uses this processing option to display an employee's mobile phone number. If you leave this processing option blank, the mobile application will not display a mobile phone number.

3. Email Address Type

Use this processing option to specify the address book electronic address type for an e-mail address. The system uses this processing option to display an employee's e-mail address. If you leave this processing option blank, the mobile application does not display an e-mail address.

4. Employee Work Location Related Address Number

Employee Work Location Related Address Number Use this processing option to specify the employee's address book related address number that you are using to store the address book number of the employee's work location. To display an employee's work location address, you must first set up work location address book records and then associate those address book numbers to the employee's Related Address Number. If you leave this processing option blank, the mobile application will not display employee work location address information.