Job Progress Entry Overview

The Job Progress Entry tablet application enables you to use your mobile device to review and update the progress data for all accounts associated with a selected job. When you select a job, the device displays the job progress details, which include:

  • Actual To Date Units

  • Percent Complete

  • Force +/- Units

  • Force Total Units

You can use cost code filter values to narrow the list of records that are displayed on the mobile device. The Job Progress Entry mobile application enables you to:

  • Review job progress details based on specified search criteria.

  • Update the progress information of a job.

This table lists the applications that are available to review and update the job progress information:

Type of Application

Additional Information

Base EnterpriseOne Application

Use these programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to review and update job progress details:

  • Account Progress Entry (P510211)

  • Job Progress Entry (P510212)

  • Job Master (P51006)

Tablet Application

Job Progress Entry (M51046)

Before using the Job Progress tablet application, you must set up processing options to specify the versions of these base EnterpriseOne programs that the mobile application uses when processing job progress information:

  • Job Cost Master (P51006)

  • Account Progress (P510211)

  • Job Progress Entry (P510212)

See these topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Job Cost Implementation Guide for additional information: