Meter Reading Mobile Applications Overview

Meter reading applications enable you to enter or update meter information for equipment. You use meter readings to monitor equipment use and initiate maintenance tasks that are based on accumulated statistical units, such as miles. You use the Meter Reading mobile application for tablet (M12120U1) to quickly enter meter readings for multiple pieces of equipment. The system displays the meters based on the settings in the processing options. You can enter each meter reading either as a net change or as a current reading.

Entering meter readings for the same pieces of equipment in the same order on a routine basis is a common practice. To do this, you set up the template for the applicable equipment in the order that you select. The Meter Reading mobile application for tablet enables you to preload a list of equipment to enter meter readings, by specifying your template.

This table lists the applications that are available to enter meter readings:

Type of Application

Additional Information

Base EnterpriseOne Application

Use the Speed Meter Readings Program (P12120U) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to enter meter readings for multiple pieces of equipment.

Tablet Application

Meter Reading (M12120U1)

Before using the Meter Reading tablet application, you must first set the processing options.