Reviewing Customer Orders Using Customer Order Overview Mobile Tablet Application (M420030)

To review customer orders:

  1. Open the application by tapping the CUST ORDERS icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Logging In to Mobile Enterprise Applications.

  2. From the Customer Order Overview home screen, enter the customer name partially or in whole in the Enter Customer Name field to narrow the search to a specific customer. Then, tap the Search button next to the Enter Customer Name field to search for specific customers.

    The system displays a list of customers you searched for.

  3. Tap a customer name from the list to view the respective order details.

    The system displays customer information in the header and three tabs: Order Counts, Customer Information and Contacts.

    Customer Order Overview: Home Screen

    On the Order Counts tab, the system displays the number of backorders, held orders, open orders and quote orders for the selected customer.

  4. To view customer information such as customer address, phone number and email address, tap the Customer Information tab.

    Customer Order Overview: Customer Information tab

    To use the device's map and navigational features, tap the data in the Customer Address section of the form.

    To contact the customer, tap the email address in the Email section of the form.

  5. To view contact information for the selected customer, tap the Contacts tab. The device displays a list of contacts associated with the customer.

    On this screen, you can tap the e-mail address to compose an email to the customer.

  6. To view order details, tap a row displaying the count of backorders, open orders, held orders or quote orders on the Order Counts tab. You can also view order details by tapping the bar segments on the Order Counts tab.

    To view a list of backorders for the selected customer, tap the Backorders row. The system displays the order details for the first backorder from the list.

    To filter backorders, tap the filter icon. To filter orders, enter values in the filter fields and tap Apply.

    In the Filters pane, to continue the search using the specified filter values, tap the Apply button. When you tap the Apply button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of backorders that are displayed based on your filter values.

    • Saves the filter values that you entered. The system displays the saved filter values the next time you open the filter screen.

    The system displays backorder information in three tabs: Order Header, Order Details and Notes.

    Customer Order Overview: Backorders

    To use the device's map and navigational features, tap the data in the Sold To Address and Ship To Address sections of the form.

  7. To view order details, tap the Order Details tab.

    The system displays Branch Plant, Sold To, Order Date, Customer PO from the order header and Quantity, Unit Price, Currency Code, Last Status, Next Status, Ship To, Line Number, Requested Date, Promised Delivery Date, Scheduled Pick Date in the order details.

  8. To add or review notes, tap the Notes tab.

    You can review previous notes in the Notes History section of the form. To add a new note, tap in the Enter New Note section, and enter the text. To save the note, tap Save.

  9. Similarly, you can view order details of held orders, open orders and quote orders. To view backorder details, held order details, or quote order details for the selected customer, tap the dropdown menu in the top left of the screen.

    Note: Depending on the order type, the system displays different sets of values.
  10. To review held order details, tap the drop down menu in the top left of the screen and select Held Orders.

    The system displays Branch Plant, Sold To, Order Date, Hold Code, Person Responsible, Customer PO from the order header and Quantity, Extended Price, Currency Code, Last Status, Next Status, Ship To, Line Number, Requested Date, Promised Delivery Date in the order details.

  11. To review open order details, tap the drop down menu in the top left of the screen and select Open Orders.

    The system displays Branch Plant, Sold To, Order Date, Order Total, Currency Code, Customer PO from the order header and Quantity, Unit Price, Extended Price, Currency Code, Last Status, Next Status, Ship To, Line Number, Requested Date, Promised Delivery Date, Scheduled Pick Date in the order details.

  12. To review quote order details, tap the drop down menu in the top left of the screen and select Open Orders.

    The system displays Branch Plant, Sold To, Order Date, Currency Code, Customer PO from the order header and Quantity, Unit Price, Extended Price, Currency Code, Ship To, Line Number, Requested Date in the order details.

  13. Tap the Create Device Contact button to add the contact record to your device contacts. If the contact does not already exist, the system adds the contact to your device and displays a confirmation message, Contact Added. If the contact already exists, the system does not update anything, and returns a message, Contact Exists.

    Note that the Create Device Contact button is displayed only if the device settings are set to enable the application to access the contact information for the device.

  14. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.