Updating Field Progress Entries Using the Field Progress Entry Mobile Tablet Application

To update field progress entry:

  1. Open the application by tapping the Field Prog icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Logging In to Mobile Enterprise Applications

  2. From the Field Progress Entry home screen, enter the job number in the Enter Job Number field and then tap the Search button.

    The system displays the list of records based on your search criteria, and displays the details of the first record in the right pane of the screen.

  3. If you do not know the job number, or if you want to enter additional search criteria to narrow your search results, tap the filter button.

  4. In the Filters pane, the values for Cost Code, Cost Type, and Level of Detail are populated based on the default information that is set up in the versions of the programs specified in the processing options of the tablet application. You can leave these values as they are, override them, or clear them to meet your search needs. Tap the Apply button. When you tap the Apply button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of cost codes that are displayed based on your filter values.

    • Saves the filter values that you entered. The system displays the saved filter values the next time you open the filter screen.

    To discontinue the use of filter values in your search, tap the Cancel button. When you tap the Cancel button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of cost codes associated with the last saved filter values, if applicable.

    • Ignores the filter values that you entered, and restores the last saved filter values to the filter fields.

    To delete all filter values you specified, and to enter new filter values, tap the Clear button.

  5. The system returns you to the Field Progress Entry form with a list of records that meet your search criteria. The first record is automatically selected, and details associated with that record are displayed on the right side of the screen.

    Tap any record in the list to review the details for that record.

    Field Progress Entry
  6. The device displays the Budget vs. Actual Units graph on the right side of the screen, with the system date in the Thru Date field. You can change this date.

  7. To enter labor details, tap the Labor tab.

    Field Progress Entry: Labor Tab
    Crew ID and Employee Fields

    Select an employee from the Employee drop down list. If you entered a value in the Crew ID field, the system populates the Employee list with only those employees who belong to the specified crew. If you leave the Crew ID field blank, the system populates the Employee list with all direct reports of the logged on user.

    The system displays an error if you do not have the authority to enter timecards for the selected employee.

    Whether the Crew ID field is required or optional is controlled by the application's processing options.

    Pay Period End Date and Work Date

    Use the visual assist to retrieve a valid pay period end date. The system provides only valid pay period end dates based on the selected employee's pay cycle code.

    After selecting a pay period end date, select a work date. The system allows you to select from dates within the pay period associated with the specified pay period end date.

    Pay Type and Hours

    Select a pay type from the Pay Type drop down list. The system provides only those pay types that the employee has been authorized to use. Enter the number of hours for the timecard. These fields are required.

    Additionally, complete any of the remaining optional fields on the Labor tab, and then tap the Save button at the bottom right.

    The system displays the Record Created message.

  8. To enter equipment time entry that can be separate from the time entered for labor and equipment, tap the Equipment tab.

    Field Progress Entry: Equipment Tab

    Select a work date. The default date is the system date, but you can change the date if needed.

    Equipment (Release 9.2 Update)

    Equipment is a required field. To enter data in the Equipment field use one of the following options:

    • Use the keyboard on your mobile device to manually enter the data. Alternately, you can tap the search and select button to search and select a piece of equipment.

    • Use the camera application on your mobile device to scan the data.

      To use this option, tap the QR Code button next to the Equipment field. The system launches the device camera and you can scan the barcode of the equipment.

    • Use a Bluetooth-enabled scanning device to scan the data.

      To use this option, tap the Equipment field to activate the scanning device. Then, scan the barcode of the equipment using the scanning device.

    See Setting Up the Bluetooth Option in the Mobile Device to Scan Barcodes..


    The Equipment field is designed to accept the asset that you identify with an    identification symbol in the Fixed Assets Constants program (P001012).

    See Setting Up Fixed Asset Constants in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Fixed Assets
                            Implementation Guide

    For example, if the symbol to identify the serial number is "/" and the serial number is "4CE0460D0G"; then you need to enter "/4CE0460D0G" in the Equipment field to search and select a piece of equipment.

    Rates, Hours, and Amount

    When you enter equipment time, you can specify a rate code, and enter a billing rate. You can also enter the units or hours. For example, if you enter a billing rate of 20, and you enter 10 hours, the system calculates the amount to be 200. However, if you enter a value in the Amount field, that value overrides what you enter in the Billing Rate and Units/Hours fields. You must enter a value in either the Units/Hours field or the Amount field. Both of these fields cannot be blank.

    Subledger Type and Subledger

    Select a Subledger Type and then enter a valid subledger value in the Subledger field (next to the Subledger Type drop down list).

    Batch Number

    After you save the record, the system assigns and displays a batch number. If you enter another record with the same date, the system retains the batch number. If you enter another record with a different date, the system removes the batch number, and creates a new batch number when you save the record.

    Tap the Save button at the bottom right of the screen.

  9. To review and modify account progress information, tap the Account Progress tab.

    Field Progress Entry: Account Progress Tab

    To enter a subledger, tap the Visual Assist button, select a Subledger type and enter a subledger value, then tap Apply. Entering a subledger is optional.

    Specify values in the Actual Units, Percent Complete, Force +/- Units, and Force Total Units fields. These fields are optional. Note that the fields that are editable is determined by the value in the Method of Computation field.

    The values in the Explanation and Reference fields are retrieved from program versions specified in the processing options. If no value is found for the Explanation field, the system populates the field with Field Progress Entry. You can override this value.

    Tap the Save button at the bottom right of the screen.

  10. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.