Updating Schedule Information Using the Manage Cost Code Schedule Tablet Application

To update cost code schedule information:

  1. Open the application by tapping the Job Schedule icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Logging In to Mobile Enterprise Applications

  2. From the Manage Cost Code Schedule home screen, enter the job number in the Enter Job Number field to narrow the search for a job. Then, tap the Search button. You must enter a job number to search for records. If you don't know the job number, continue to the next step.

    The system displays a list of records that meet your search criteria on the left of the screen, and displays the details of the first record in the right pane of the screen.

  3. If you do not know the job number, or if you want to enter additional search criteria to narrow your search results, tap the filter button.

  4. In the Filters pane, enter your additional search criteria, and then tap the Apply button. When you tap the Apply button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of records that match your filter values.

    • Saves the filter values that you entered. The system displays the saved filter values the next time you open the filter screen.

    To discontinue the use of filter values in your search, tap the Cancel button. When you tap the Cancel button, the system:

    • Takes you to the main screen with the cost code list displayed with the first record selected and its details displayed on the right pane.

    • Ignores the filter values that you entered, and restores the last saved filter values to the filter fields.

    To delete all filter values you specified, and to enter new filter values, tap the Clear button.

    Cost Code From and To

    Use these fields to retrieve cost code records based on a range of cost codes. The default values are retrieved from the processing option settings of the selected version of the P51901. You can change these values.

    Cost Type From and To

    Use these fields to retrieve cost code records based on a range of cost types. The default values are retrieved from the processing options settings of the selected version of the P51901. You can change these values.

    Level of Detail

    Use this field to retrieve cost code records based on the level of detail. The system retrieves records with a level of detail equal to or lower than the specified value. For example, if you enter 5 in this field, the system displays accounts at levels of detail 3, 4, and 5.

    The device retrieves the default value from the processing options settings of the selected version of the P51901. You can change this value.

  5. The system returns you to the Manage Cost Code Schedule home screen, with a list of records that meet your search criteria. Tap a record to review and update the details.

    Cost Code Schedule
  6. Review, and if required, update any of the values on the screen. When you have finished updating the record, tap the Save button at the top right of the screen.

  7. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.