Using the Contact Customer Mobile Tablet Application

To view customer contact information on your tablet:

  1. Open the application by tapping the icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Logging In to Mobile Enterprise Applications.

  2. On the Contact Customer Home screen, enter the customer name and tap Search.

    Note that the first record in the list of search results is displayed in the right side of the screen.

  3. Select a customer record to view customer information.

    Contact Customer Screen, Customer Information Tab

    On this screen you can:

    • Tap the customer address to use the map and navigation capabilities of your mobile device.

    • Tap the email address to compose an email to the customer.

    • Tap the customer URL to open a browser application to view the web site on your device.

  4. To view contact information for the selected customer, tap the Contacts tab. The device displays a list of contacts associated with the customer.

  5. To view detailed information about a specific contact, tap the contact record.

    On this screen you can:

    • Tap the email address to compose an email to the customer.

    • Tap the URL, if available, to open a browser application to view the web site on your device.

  6. Tap the Create Device Contact button to add the contact record to your device contacts. If the contact does not already exist, the system adds the contact to your device and displays a confirmation message, Contact Added. If the contact already exists, the system does not update anything, and returns a message, Contact Exists.

    Note that the Create Device Contact button is displayed only if the device settings are set to enable the application to access the contact information for the device.

  7. Tap the Category Codes tab to view additional information about the customer. Note that this tab is available only if the application has been set up to display category codes.

  8. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.