Voucher Batch Approvals Mobile Applications Overview

You use the Voucher Batch Approvals mobile applications to review and approve batches of vouchers on a mobile device.

The Voucher Batch Approvals mobile applications give you the ability to:

  • Review all voucher batches that are in pending status.

  • Review vouchers in a batch.

  • Review line-level information for a voucher.

  • Approve a voucher batch.

  • Review text attachments and photos associated with each voucher line.

This table lists the applications that are available to review and approve voucher batches:

Type of Application

Additional Information

Base EnterpriseOne application

Use the Work With Batches application (P0011) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to review and approve voucher batches.

Tablet application

Voucher Batch Approvals (M04041)

Smartphone application

Voucher Batch Approvals (M04042)

Before using the Voucher Batch Approvals tablet or smartphone application, you must perform the following setup tasks:

  • Activate batch security, and set up secured users and approvers.

  • Set up the processing options of the mobile applications.

  • Verify the processing options of the base EnterpriseOne application.