AAI Items PTxxxx and RTxxxx

The system is hard coded to use the tax AAIs for the company. If a GL offset exists in the Vertex Q Series constants, the system uses AAI item PTxxxx or RTxxxx, where xxxx is the GL offset. Otherwise, it uses PT or RT.

In this example, the company is 200, the GL offset is 0400, and the search sequence is:

  • GL offset 400, Company 00200

  • GL offset 400, Company 00000

  • Blank GL offset, Company 00200

  • Blank GL offset, Company 00000

When you set up AAIs for accounts payable and accounts receivable taxes, you can set up GL accounts by state. If you do this, you must assign the state code to the subsidiary of the base account in the F0901 table.

Note: (CAN) The Vertex GeoCode database considers all of Canada a single state. If you set up GL accounts by state, you must use state code 70 for Canada. Vertex Sales Tax Q Series does not recognize the different provinces of Canada as separate states.

During the post process, the system follows this sequence to identify the proper account:

  • The system retrieves the business unit and object that AAI item PTxxxx or RTxxxx specifies, based on the company on the invoice or voucher.

  • The system retrieves the state code from the GeoCode.

  • The system attaches the state code, which is the first two digits of the GeoCode, to the business unit and object as the subsidiary.

  • The system searches the F0901 table for an account number with that business unit, object, and subsidiary combination.

  • If the system finds the account combination, it uses it as the GL account.

  • If the system does not find the account combination, it searches the F0901 table for an account with the business unit and object only. If the system finds the account combination, it uses it as the GL account.

  • If the system does not find the account combination, it searches the F0901 table using the business unit and object for Company 00000 for the specific AAI item PTxxxx or RTxxxx. If the system finds the account combination, it uses it as the general ledger account.