Overriding GeoCodes on a Sales Order

You can override GeoCodes on the order header or on a detail line of the sales order. When you enter or revise the information on the detail lines, the system calculates taxes only for those items containing tax information, not on the entire sales order. This enables you to use different tax rates or tax types (sales, use, or exempt) on a line-by-line basis.

If you need to override GeoCodes that were retrieved from the customer master record, you can use either the Sales Order Header form or the Sales Order Detail Revisions form. You can also revise the GeoCode either before or after you generate the invoice from the sales order. If you revise the GeoCode after the invoice in generated, you must change the GeoCode on the sales order and then regenerate the invoice.

Important: You can override a GeoCode on a sales order detail line either before or after you accept the entry of the sales order. If you change the tax information after you accept the entry and create the invoice, be sure to change the tax information on the sales order and regenerate the invoice.