Overriding GeoCodes on a Service Order

You can override tax information when you enter or modify a service order. Typically, you enter a service order under these circumstances:

  • You need to bill for the parts that are required to fix a piece of equipment.

  • You need to send a technician to the site to repair the problem.

  • You use a service provider to resolve the problem, and you need to create a voucher for payment.

You can retrieve numerous default values from a parent service order. For example, you can use values from a parent service order to retrieve this information:

  • Service type

  • Start date

  • Planned completion date

    Note: You should override the GeoCode for a service order prior to running the S&WM Work Order Workfile Generation program (R1775). In the S&WM Work Order Workfile Generation program, the system calculates taxes when you create a service order quote. The system does not calculate final taxes until you run the program in final mode.