R0018P2 - Sales Tax

The Sales Tax report (R0018P2) displays transaction details from the F0018 table and provides totals for each tax rate/area for each document type by company.

When you select to print the Sales Tax report, the system additionally processes and prints:

  • The Tax Summary Report by Tax Authority (R0018P3)

    This report prints totals only for each tax authority by tax rate for each company.

  • The Tax Detail Report by Tax Authority (R0018P5)

    This report prints each transaction for each tax authority and rate and provides totals by tax authority for each company.

The Tax Summary Report by Tax Authority and Tax Detail Report by Tax Authority reports do not have processing options. If you want to change the data selection for these reports, you must create a new version of the Sales Tax report (R0018P2). In the new version, set up the data selection that you need, check the version in, and run the version locally.

The Sales Tax report provides processing options for you to specify the versions of the R0018P3 and R0018P5 reports that you want to run.