R0018P8 - GST/PST Tax

The GST/ PST Tax report is specifically designed to meet Canadian reporting needs. For each address book number, the report lists GST and PST and subdivides PST into seller-assessed PST and self-assessed PST.

This report lists information by company and tax explanation code. Within each tax explanation code, the report separates taxes into categories such as taxable, nontaxable, GST, seller-assessed PST, and self-assessed PST.

Amounts for these fields are positive for vouchers and negative for invoices:

  • Taxable Amount

  • Non-Taxable

  • Tax

    This is the sum of GST, self-assessed PST, and seller-assessed PST.

  • GST

  • Self-Assessment Tax

    This is the total payable to provincial governments for self-assessed PST. A processing option enables you to display the amount with the sign reversed.

  • Sales Tax

    This is the total payable to provincial governments for seller-assessed PST.