Requester Information Processing Option

Note: You set this processing option to receive a consultation number from VIES. If you leave the requestor's VAT Registration Number field blank, the system tries to fetch the requestor's VAT number set up in the system by taking the address number of the business unit that the customer or the supplier belongs, from the F0006 table, and the tax ID from the F0101 table. If the system finds a valid VAT identification number, it generates a consultation number along with the VAT ID validation result from VIES. If an error exists in the record, the system will report the error and then proceed with the validation for the next record. If the system finds a blank value in the VAT ID field of the business unit, it will not return a consultation number, but it will perform the validation. The system will update the F74101 table with successful VIES validation results.



Requester VAT Registration Number (VAT number with the country code prefix)

Enter your VAT identification number if you are the person requesting the consultation number. The VAT identification number is issued by a member state of the EU.