Revising Invoices and Vouchers with Taxes

To change the amount of a posted invoice or voucher that has taxes, enter a new gross amount and remove the tax amount and taxable amount information. The system recalculates the tax information. When a transaction has multiple tax rates, you must change tax information for each pay item that differs from the default information.

You can also change tax amounts that the system calculates. For sales and use tax, the system returns a warning message. For VAT taxes (tax explanation code V, B, and C), tax amounts that you enter manually on the transaction are validated against tolerance ranges that you set up for each company. If you exceed the tolerance range, the system returns an error or warning.

Although you can revise tax information on a posted invoice or voucher, you cannot add tax information to a posted transaction. However, you can enter tax information as an additional pay item using the tax-only explanation codes (ST, UT, VT, BT, or CT), or enter a new tax-only transaction.

To add tax-only information, complete the Taxable Amount field instead of the Gross Amount field.

When you post revised transactions, the system updates the F0018 table with the revision.

Important: When you revise an invoice or voucher that has taxes, the system attempts to recalculate tax amounts, even if you do not attempt to revise an amount field. For example, if you revise the invoice remark on an invoice that has taxes, the system will attempt to recalculate the tax and gross amount on the invoice. If the gross amount does not equal the taxable plus tax amounts, within the tolerance ranges established in the Tax Rules, the system returns a warning or error message and the change will not be accepted.If you do not need to change an amount, use the Speed Status Change programs (P03B114 and P0411S) to revise transaction information, such as due dates and remarks.