Tax AAI (PT) for the Accounts Payable and Procurement Systems

Use taxes (tax explanation code U and B) do not use a GL offset to specify a tax account; the system always uses PT (blank). You can set up the AAI for each company or for company 00000 only. If you do not set up company-specific AAIs, the system uses the AAI set up for company 00000.

Unlike VAT taxes, you can specify use tax accounts by tax rate/area. Instead of using multiple AAIs to specify different tax accounts, you set up different tax accounts for each tax rate/area by defining the subsidiary portion of the account as the tax rate/area. For example, if the tax account were 1.4433 and the tax rate/area were ONT (for Ontario), you would set up 1.4433.ONT in the F0901 table. Thus, you would have a unique account number for each tax rate/area.

When you set up the AAI for PT, you do not specify a subsidiary account; you specify the business unit and object account only. The system ignores the subsidiary account if one exists. When you post the voucher, the system looks for the account number specified in the AAI in conjunction with the tax rate/area specified on the voucher. If the account number exists, the system uses it. If the account number, including the tax rate/area, does not exist, the system uses the account number. For example, if you set up PT for 1.4433 and enter tax rate/area DEN on the voucher, the system searches for 1.4433.DEN. If the system cannot locate this account number, it uses 1.4433.