Understanding Databases Used by Vertex Sales Tax Q Series

The Vertex Sales Tax Q Series system stores information in these databases:



GeoCoder Database

The GeoCoder database stores jurisdictional tax data for all U.S. and Canadian tax authorities, which include over 66,000 locations. Tax jurisdictions are identified in Vertex Sales Tax Q Series by a GeoCode. All states and counties are on file, as well as all cities with populations over 250. If a city has a population under 250 and levies a tax, that city is also included in the data modules.

Vertex Sales Tax Q Series accesses the GeoCoder database to retrieve GeoCodes based on address book information.

TDM Database

You can customize the Vertex Sales Tax Q Series system for the special needs. You use Tax Decision Maker (TDM) to automate product, customer, and jurisdictional tax exceptions. With TDM, you can set up and maintain tax exceptions and override customer and product exemptions. This information is stored in the TDM database.

You access TDM from Vertex Sales Tax Q Series menus.

Rate Database

The Rate database stores tax rates and other tax information for over 66,000 locations in the United States, its trusts and possessions, and Canada. Rates and rules are stored in the Rate database according to GeoCode.

Register Database

The Register database contains a record of transaction processed by Vertex Sales Tax Q Series. The information is used for report management and tax returns processing.

You access tax reports from Vertex Sales Tax Q Series menus.