Understanding Tax ID Validation

A tax ID is the identification number that you use when you report information to the various tax authorities. For every transaction that can occur with a company, a customer, or a supplier, you must enter an associated tax identification number. Tax IDs are also called VAT codes, VAT registration numbers, or fiscal codes.

To export goods free of value-added tax (VAT), you must have the tax ID or VAT registration number of customers in other EU (European Union) countries, and you must send your own tax ID or VAT registration numbers to suppliers. The length and format of these numbers vary by country.

When you create an address book record for each company, customer, or supplier, enter the tax ID number in the Tax ID field on the Address Book Revision form. To ensure that the tax ID that you enter is checked for authenticity, enter a country code from UDC table (00/CN) in the Country field on the Mailing tab on the Address Book Revision form. When a country code is on the Mailing tab, the system validates tax IDs for that country.

The system only validates the tax ID if the country code that you have specified is set up and activated for validation in UDC table (70/TI).

(ESP) The system validates foreign and domestic CIF (companies) and NIF (individuals).

Note: The length of Spanish tax IDs is nine characters.