Understanding the General Ledger Post Program and Updating Tax Information

To report on tax amounts that you owe or collect, you must update the F0018 table. The system automatically updates the F0018 table when you post invoices, vouchers, and journal entries that have taxes if you set the appropriate processing options for the versions of the General Ledger Post Report program (R09801) that you use to post these transactions.

Note: If you bypass creating invoices when you run the Update Customer Sales program (R42800), the system does not update the Taxes table.

The default versions of the General Ledger Post Report program are:

  • ZJDE0001 (General Ledger Post)

    If you enter journal entries with VAT tax, you must set the processing options for this version in order to update the F0018 table.

  • ZJDE0002 (Voucher Post)

    If you enter invoices with taxes, you must set the processing options for this version in order to update the F0018 table.

  • ZJDE0006 (Invoice Post)

    If you enter invoices with taxes, you must set the processing options for this version in order to update the F0018 table.

If you use different versions of the General Ledger Post Report program to post transactions with taxes, you must set the processing option for those versions in order to update the F0018 table.

You can update the table for all tax explanation codes, all tax amounts, or tax explanation codes relating to Use and VAT tax only.

Note: If you post transactions with taxes and do not have the processing options set to update the F0018 table, you must manually enter tax information in the F0018 table. You cannot post transactions again to update the table.

See Working with the Taxes Table