Update Address Book GeoCodes

Use the Update Address Book GeoCodes program (R730101) to add GeoCodes to existing address book records. The system stores the GeoCode in the Tax Rate/Area field of either the Customer Master by Line of Business (F03012) or the Supplier Master (F0401) tables.

When you run the Update Address Book GeoCodes program, the system updates the Tax Rate/Area field with the appropriate GeoCode.

The system does not update the field if any of these are true:

  • The customer master or supplier master does not have a tax explanation code of E, U, or S.

  • An address book record crosses multiple tax jurisdictions.

  • Not enough information is available for the address in order to find a GeoCode.

  • The country code on the address does not match the codes that are set up in the constants for the United States and Canada.

  • The state code on the address is incorrect.

The system generates a report that contains this summary information:

  • Number of records updated.

  • Number of multi-county invalid messages.

  • Number of country code invalid messages. The code must match the value in the Vertex Q Series Constants.

  • Number of state invalid messages.

  • Number of tax explanation code invalid messages.

    Note: F03012 and F0401 records must have a valid tax explanation code before you run the Update Address Book GeoCodes program. In addition, UDC 73/ST must contain all of the search types to be used by this program.