UX One: AR Collections Page

The AR Collections page (P03B001X|W03B001XB) enables users to view alerts about overdue pay items and receipt batches, analyze statistics by collection manager, and access programs that can be used to act on that information.

To access the UX One AR Collections page, log in to the EnterpriseOne system using the Accounts Receivable Manager role. When you log in with this role, the system automatically displays the Accounts Receivable Manager page. Click the AR Collections task on the springboard to access the AR Collections page.

This graphic illustrates the AR Collections page:

AR Collections Page

Watchlist Alerts

These alerts are based on EnterpriseOne programs. By default, the alerts are set up to use queries that are based on delivered demo data. Each of these queries is associated with a specific program version. To use a different query or call a different program version, you can modify these queries or create new queries that better meet your requirements. Additionally, these watchlists have been set up with specific warning and critical threshold values. You can adjust these values to meet your requirements.

This table lists and describes the watchlist alerts that are available on the AR Collections page:

Watchlist Alert


Invoice Pay Items Overdue

This alert tells users when there are pay items overdue.

This alert is based on the Customer Ledger Inquiry program (P03B2002, version ZJDE0001).

When you click the alert, the system displays the Work With Customer Ledger Inquiry form. The following grid format is available:

  • Basic

Receipt Batches in Error

This alert tells users when there are receipt batches that are in error.

This alert is based on the Batches program (P0011, version ZJDE0009).

When you click the alert, the system displays the Work With Batches form. The following form layout is available:

  • Batch Journal Review

The following grid format is available:

  • Simple

Additionally, the system displays the updated Work Center on the right side of the form. See Work Center CafeOne Application in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.

Pending Receipt Batches

This alert tells users how many receipt batches are currently pending.

This alert is based on the Batches program (P0011, version ZJDE0009).

When you click the alert, the system displays the Work With Batches form. The following form layout is available:

  • Batch Journal Review

The following grid format is available:

  • Simple

Additionally, the system displays the updated Work Center on the right side of the form. See Work Center CafeOne Application in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.

Receipt Batches Out of Balance

This alert tells users how many receipt batches are currently out of balance.

This alert is based on the Batches Out of Balance program (P007032, version ZJDE0003).

When you click the alert, the system displays the Batches Out of Balance form. The following form layout is available:

  • Batch Out Bal Journal Review

The following grid format is available:

  • Simple

For additional information about the programs associated with these watchlist alerts, see:


These charts are based on EnterpriseOne programs. By default, the charts are set up to render using queries that are based on delivered demo data. Each of these queries is associated with a specific program version. To use a different query or call a different program version, you can modify these queries or create new queries that better meet your requirements.

This table lists and describes the charts that are available on the AR Collection page:

Component Title


Receipt Trend by Collection Manager (P03B720X|W03B720XF)

Use this chart to view the receipt trends for each collection manager.

This chart is based on the One View Customer Receipt/Draft Inquiry program (P03B720).

Other Collection Amount by Collection Manager (P03B720X|W03B720XI)

Use this chart to view discount, write off, chargeback, and deduction amounts by collection manager.

This chart is based on the One View Customer Receipt/Draft Inquiry program (P03B720).

Gross Amount vs Open Amount by Collection Manager (P03B202X|W03B202XG)

Use this chart to view gross amounts compared to open amounts by collection manager.

This chart is based on the One View Customer Ledger Inquiry program (P03B2002).

For additional information about the programs associated with these charts, see these topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications One View Reporting User Guide:

Springboard Tasks

You use tasks to access EnterpriseOne programs and other UX One pages. These tasks are included in a springboard on the page.

This table lists and describes the tasks on the AR Collections page:



Customer Ledger Inquiry

Use this task to access the Customer Ledger Inquiry program (P03B2002, version ZJDE0001)

The following grid format is available:

  • Basic

Customer Receipts Inquiry

Use this task to access the Standard Receipt Entry program (P03B102, version ZJDE0001).

Account Balance Inquiry

Use this task to access the Account Balance Inquiry program (P03B218). The following form layout is available:

  • Account Status Summary

The following grid format is available:

  • Simple

Account Statistical Summary

Use this task to access the Account Statistic History program (P03B16).

Aging by Collection Manager

Use this task to access the Aging by Collection Manager chart (P03B202X|W03B202XE).

For additional information about the programs accessed by these tasks, see: