Watchlist Alerts

These alerts are based on EnterpriseOne programs. By default, the alerts are set up to use queries that are based on delivered demo data. Each of these queries is associated with a specific program version. To use a different query or call a different program version, you can modify these queries or create new queries that better meet your requirements. Additionally, these watchlists have been set up with specific warning and critical threshold values. You can adjust these values to meet your requirements.

This table lists and describes the watchlist alerts that are available on the Lessee Accounting Manager page:

Watchlist Alert


New Leased Assets

This alert tells users how many new assets have been leased within the last 60 days. The system displays leases with a lease commencement date in the last 60 days.

When you click the alert, the system displays the Work With Amortization Schedules form. The following grid formats are available:

  • Basic

  • Simple

The following form layouts are available:

  • Lease Liability Schedule

Amortization Schedules Missing

This alert tells users when leases have been created, but are not yet at a lease classification status of 20.

When you click the alert, the system displays the Work With Amortization Schedules form. The following grid formats are available:

  • Basic

  • Simple

The following form layouts are available:

  • Lease Liability Schedule

Commencement Journal Errors

This alert tells users when leases have commencement journal entries in error, and are at a lease classification status of 35.

When you click the alert, the system displays the Work With Amortization Schedules form. The following grid formats are available:

  • Basic

  • Simple

The following form layouts are available:

  • Lease Liability Schedule

Asset Balances Require Update

This alert tells users when journal entries for a leased asset have not been created in more than 30 days. The system displays leases with the Lessee Accounting Thru Date is older than 30 days.

When you click the alert, the system displays the Work With Amortization Schedules form. The following grid formats are available:

  • Basic

  • Simple

The following form layouts are available:

  • Lease Liability Schedule

Leases Set to Expire

This alert tells users how many leases are set to expire within the specified time frame. The system displays leases with a space available date between the system date and the next 60 days.

When you click the alert, the system displays the Work With Amortization Schedules form. The following grid formats are available:

  • Basic

  • Simple

The following form layouts are available:

  • Lease Liability Schedule

Units Missing Assets

This alert tells users whether there are units with the lessee flag turned on that do not have an asset number.

When you click this alert, the system displays the Work With Units form. The following grid format is available:

  • Basic

The following form layout is available:

  • Unit Master Revisions

Lease Terms Changed

This alert tells users whether there are any leases where the terms have changed and have not been either terminated early or remeasured. (Recalculate Lease Liability flag not equal to 0).

When you click this alert, the system displays the Work with Amortization Schedules form. The following grid formats are available:

  • Basic

  • Simple

The following form layouts are available:

  • Lease Liability Schedule

Leases Recently Terminated

This alert tells users whether there are any leases that have been terminated within the last 30 days. (Lease Liability Status = 55, Lessee Accounting JE Thru Date between today minus 30 and today.)

When you click this alert, the system displays the Work with Amortization Schedules form. The following grid formats are available:

  • Basic

  • Simple

The following form layouts are available:

  • Lease Liability Schedule

For additional information about the programs used by these watchlists, see Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting (Release 9.2) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Real Estate Management Implementation Guide.