changecomponent64 (Release 9.2.6)

API Name



Updates the managed instance component to a new version for 64-bit. Used for changing all types of components with additional parameters for the Deployment Server and the Enterprise Server.

REST Methods



Agent must be running.

Input Params

instanceName, componentName, foundationOption, jrePath, sysDBUsername, sysDBPassword, release, linkBSFNFlag


instanceName: Name of the instance such as <machine name>_DEP or <machine name>_ENT.

componentName: Name of the .jar file used to change the component.

foundationOption: Required for the Deployment Server component change only.

Value: 0 - No MultiFoundation, component change only.

Update the system and OneWorld Client install with the contents in the .jar file.

1 - Component change and back up current system for MultiFoundation

Back up the current system and the OneWorld Client installation in a version directory and update the system and OneWorld client install from the contents in the .jar file. Update the package build tables.

2 - Component download for multi-foundation only

Create a version directory and copy the contents of the .jar file to the version directory to create the multi-foundation directory. Update the package build tables.

jrePath: Path to the jre location; leave this field blank if bitness is the same. Use this path only with the Deployment Server or the Enterprise Server when changing the component to a different bitness, such as changing from a 32-bit system to a 64-bit system. Also, use this path with the Deployment Server if foundationOption is set to "2" and the system is 64-bit.

sysDBUsername: User name to the SYSTEM Datasource database. This path is required to change the Deployment Server component when foundationOption is set to 1 or 2.

sysDBPassword: User password for logging on to the SYSTEM Datasourse database. This path is required to change the Deployment Server component when foundationOption is set to 1 or 2.

release: Release of the deployment server environment such as E920 or E910.

linkBSFNFlag: (Enterprise Server Only) AS400 Flag to link the business function;

0-Enterprise Server is not AS400

0 – AS400 does not link the business function

1- AS400 links the business functions

Sample Request

{ "componentName":" 48.jar", "instanceName":"den00los_DEP", "foundationOption":"1", "jrePath":"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_181", "sysDBUsername": "SY920", "sysDBPassword":"SY920" “release”:“E920” "linkBSFNFlag":“0” }


HTTP status 200 is returned.