
API Name



Saves the configuration for file.

REST Methods



Server Manager and Agent must be running and Server Manager Console is able to connect to the Database.

Input Params

TOKEN: Header returned as a response to the /authenticate Server Manager REST API Call

TOKEN: Cookie returned as a response to the /authenticate Server Manager REST API Call

AUTHORIZATION: Base64 encoded Basic username:password combination necessary for Authentication

ccUserName: The userName value for DB connection

ccPassword: The Password value for DB connection

ccDatabaseType: The Database Type value for DB connection. Values should be in I, O, S, W.

ccOwner: The Owner value for DB connection

ccServer: The Server value for DB connection

ccPhysicalDatabase: The Physical Database value for DB connection

ccName: The Name value for DB connection

ccServerPort: The Server Port value for DB connection

ccDataSourceName: The DataSourceName value for DB connection

ccTnsnameoraValues: The Tnsname ora value for DB connection

ccTLS: The Tls value is set for AS400 and IBM UDB

Sample Request

'' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic amRlX2FkbWluOmpkZV9hZG1pbg==' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Cookie: SMCONSOLE_SSID=WZlf5_8hTtBNu2NSiU_dl0ZSKPlVIdoYAvhqB97V7HmoEIpQ4r_6!-1265012759' \ --data-raw '{ "ccUserName":"SY920", "ccPassword":"***", "ccDatabaseType": "O", "ccOwner":"SY920", "ccServer":"", "ccPhysicalDatabase":"", "ccName":"jderac", "ccServerPort":"1521", "ccDataSourceName":"CConfig - 920", "ccTnsnameoraValues":"ems2647 =(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1448))(CONNECT_DATA (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = ems2647)))" }'


HTTP status 200 and 202 are returned.

Sample Response



403: Forbidden Status Code is returned if the Authentication information passed with the Request is not valid.

400: Bad Request Status Code is returned in case the Request is not well formed for the API which is being invoked.

409: Conflict Status Code is returned in case the Managed Instance with the passed in Instance Name already exists within the Server Manager Console.

500: Internal Server Error, In the unlikely case of error occurring on the Server. Refer to the logs for more details.